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Movements Matter

breathing matters.

for us, dance is a powerful resource, that cultivates change, growth, liberation, transformation and many other pathways of permission and possibility.

join us

in solidarity and hope


breathing matters.
for us, dance is a powerful resource, that cultivates change, growth, liberation, transformation and many other pathways of permission and possibility. yet, for many, who are on the margins of society, these fundamental freedoms of movement are denied. the homeless become invisible – starving children are forgotten – global warming is dismissed – the elderly are expendable – domestic and sexual violence is forgiven – differently-abled are shunned – black lives are disposable. these, too, are definitions of a pandemic.

we believe that every human being deserves these simple pleasures; to inhale and exhale, to grow to their full potential, to change their stance, to be held in gravity and uplifted by buoyancy, to liberate their minds and to be informed and transformed by moving their bodies through space. a space that is safe enough for you to risk being yourself. a brave space where we care for each other and share with one another. our hope and prayer is to create a community where each gesture is treated with respect and recognition. a place of sovereignty, where we and all of our movements matter.

through the somatic practices of open floor and soul motion let us uncover, recover and discover all of the ways that we are unique and diverse. may we liberate our bodies and expand our hearts towards becoming our tender, compassionate, alive and engaged selves.

with respect and recognition,

michael & anneli

movements matter:

regenerative agriculture
black lives matter
me too
extinction rebellion
standing rock
take a knee
save our children
gender identity
animal rights
women’s movement
climate change
families together

weekly online classes

join us to move in community more together than alone

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workshops & series

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1-alongside-1 session

a private moving journey

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online classes

about us


the movements-matter outreach is a dream to spread the medicine and healing of movement beyond the borders of the tapestry of our community. to reach those that have been relegated and regulated to the margins of society. to lift our eyes and hearts further than the periphery of our habitual gaze, towards the hope and prayer of a future where it does matter what is the color your skin, the gender you are in and the prayer of your religion, but where each is treated with equality and justice. a future with more freedoms, where we all matter. we stay. this is a shortened version of a whole class with dancers being spotlighted (we do not do this in our regular online classes).
we love to hear from you

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(310) 839-3187
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we welcome you