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prayers made visible class

prayers made visible class

sundays at 10:00-11:30am (PT)

in solidarity and hope, we will be dancing together: moving with our truths and allowing us all to shine. “ritual is the routine infused with mindfulness. it is habit made holy.” ritual is the unspoken language of the soul. it is embodied prayer. with commitment and intention ritual has the capacity to alter time and expand consciousness. as we dance through the doorway of ritual we will enter into sacred time to remember and re-create; remember our souls purpose and re-create ourselves in that whole and holy image.
from the beginning of time ritual has been used to face the unknown and confront forces beyond our control. in this class we will use the platforms of soul motion and the power of ritual to embody presence, cultivate circular awareness and become a source of inspiration. we will dance alone, in communion, in community and into our every day dance journey from birth to death; the common ritual we call life.

the floor is open

the floor is open

Tuesdays at 9:00-10:15am (PT)

every week we will extend an open invitation for you to step in and move with whatever is current within you. to move at the speed of acceptance; of self and others. to move and include all aspects of who you are in this unfolding moment. we will engage with the core movement resources of ground and center, towards and away, expand and contract. the conductor has raised the baton….. the floor is open.

body as compass class

body as compass class

thursdays at 9:00-10:30am (PT) 6:00-7:30pm (CET)

with michael molin-skelton & camilla steen larsen
we will come together each week to navigate the nuances of being human, listening to the directives of the body and the songlines of the spirit. our roots will whisper for our feet to continue to take fresh steps in the direction of kindness and kinship, curiosity will encourage our fingers to unfurl and touch the world with a sense of wonder and awe. our spines will remind us of the potency of both descending and ascending, while our hearts will motivate us to move towards what enlivens and activates our souls and away from what diminishes and discourages our growth.

“if you believe in a cause, be willing to stand up for that cause, with a million people or by yourself.”
otis s. johnson